Farming can be a volatile occupation, with constant changes in technology and finances impacting farmers as much as the changing weather. As such, farmers must often tweak their business model to keep up with the technological and financial demands of current times. Is your farm insurance coverage properly suited to your current situation, or is it out of date and sorely in need of some changing as well? Here are some things to consider. 
- Market values for land and assets have increased, but many farmers might not know just how much. There is a good chance they haven't been properly tracking their growth over the years. Without that habitual evaluation in mind, it becomes harder to assess whether farmers are properly covered by insurance.
- While farm liability insurance protects against accidental injury or property damage, it may not provide enough coverage. If a farmer has seen sustained success that has led to an increase in property or equipment, their previous coverage will, in all likelihood, no longer be sufficient.
- All farmers should consider if their insurance coverage is close to the value of their property. If something unfortunate were to occur, farmers should make sure they’re protected from devastating financial loss.
- Farmers should also ask if their business grown outside of agriculture. Also, are their other factors now included in their business that were previously not? Do they have volunteer programs? Do they now offer tours of their facility? If the answer is yes to any of these questions, there is a strong possibility that supplemental coverage will be needed.
It's important to remember that while putting all of the effort that you have into your business, it may have been easy to overlook your insurance-related needs. Don't make the mistake of letting your coverage be an afterthought.